Manager: | Father Professor Ulrich Engel OP Father Prof. Dr. Thomas Eggensperger OP |
In order to lead a fulfilled life, we need confidence and trust. Because without trust, we cannot build friendships, relationships or families. Without hope and in the face of war, suffering and climate change, it is difficult to look to the future. Without basic trust, I cannot believe that others care for me.
The spiritual days at Beuron Abbey invite you to experience spirituality in two dimensions: in a horizontal dimension in our everyday lives, in which we need a good dose of trust, resilience and faith in the face of all the political instability, economic crises and personal wounds. And in a vertical dimension, in which spirituality connects us with a transcendent reality, with God – regardless of which religion we follow.
Spirituality can strengthen myself when I realise that I am a creature of God and not a product of chance. When I believe that there is a loving idea behind it that has placed me in a place where I can achieve something meaningful and good.
The “Spiritual Days” are different from most KAAD seminars. Above all, we focus on ourselves and on God. We live in the Benedictine monastery of Beuron in the beautiful Danube landscape and follow the monks' rhythm of life and prayer in our daily routine.
A daily meditation exercise (those who have no experience of meditation receive an introduction) is just as much a part of our activities as Bible discussions, a group service, a film evening and time to go for a walk. Your own creativity (e.g. painting) is also encouraged! Personal discussions in pairs or groups round off the programme.
The days are characterised by peace and quiet so that everyone can find time for themselves.