
Webinar Cultural Heritage
| Aktuelles, Seminare, Veranstaltungen

“Between Crisis and Hope: Reconstructing Cultural Heritage in the Middle East” Webseminar 10.12.2020

The material cultural heritage in the countries of the Middle East is exposed to a constant danger from crises and wars. Many of our scholarship holders, alumni and partners are involved in the care, preservation or reconstruction of architectural monuments in their fields of study or in their professions.

| Afrika, Aktuelles, Seminare, Veranstaltungen

“African Identity: Home, Belonging and Togetherness” – KAAD Africa Seminar in Weingarten, 30.11. – 03.12.2020

The question of identity(ies) and their meaning is of great importance for KAAD and its world-wide community. This time the topic was discussed with a focus on Africa and under the impression of the worrying events in Ethiopia (“Tigray conflict”). The particular danger of identity issues lies in tendencies of…

| Nahost, Seminare

KAAD Networking Meeting Syria (Web Seminar)

KAAD has been supporting students from Syria in their studies in Germany for 60 years – and since there have been defined partner countries in KAAD, a special focus of support and exchange has been on Syria. However, the situation since 2011 has presented our Syrian networks with a special challenge: KAAD alumni in Syria…

| Seminare

KAAD’s Introductory Seminar as online event “KAAD as an intercultural and global church community”, November 20, 2020

The Introductory Seminar – originally planned in Haus Venusberg for all newly arrived scholars and as small replacement for the, in 2020, cancelled Annual Convention – could not take place as a face-to-face event due to the corona pandemic. In order to offer particularly the new scholars an opportunity to get to know…

| Asien, Aktuelles, Seminare

„The Global Covid-19 Pandemic: Mental Health Insights from Palestine” – International Web Seminar – October 16th, 2020

On the occasion of the World Mental Health Day on October, 10th 2020, the KAAD Alumni Association in Palestine and the KAAD office in Bonn organised a web seminar dealing with the current pandemic’s impact on mental health in Palestine.

| Osteuropa, Aktuelles, Seminare

Impact of Russian Primacy and Striving for Power on Central and Eastern European Countries

From 4th to 7th September 2020, 13 KAAD scholars and the Albertus Magnus Scholarship Programme from five different countries were able to meet at the „Alten Feuerwache“ in Berlin to take part in the Eastern European regional seminar of KAAD. Due to the restrictions imposed by the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, only a limited…

| Aktuelles, Veranstaltungen

Virtual Symposium: The COVID Pandemia and its Impact on Health & Economy of the Philippines

In observance of National Heroes` Day on August 31st, 2020, the Philippine partner committee of KAAD and the local alumni association KAAD-AKAP organised a virtual symposium entitled “The COVID Pandemia and its Impact on Health & Economy of the Philippines”.

| Aktuelles, Seminare

Study and Pilgrimage to Rome: Encounter with the Universal Church

From August 23rd to 29th 2020, 15 KAAD scholars from 11 different countries took part in the pilgrimage trip to Rome, the centre of the Universal Church, historically guided by Dr. Hermann Weber and spiritually accompanied by P. Prof. Dr. Ulrich Engel OP. The restrictions imposed by the pandemic required much discipline…

| Newsletter, Aktuelles

Newsletter No. 23

In Commemoration of Eberhard Schockenhoff, the late President of KAAD

| Aktuelles, Seminare

Connected with God – Spiritual days in the Monastery of Beuron (23rd to 27th July 2020)

When we wake up, normally the first thing we do is to grab our cell phone, read notifications and respond to messages. However, this time was different since we were in Beuron, in the upper Danube valley, where mobile phones do not have a good signal and we felt isolated.