
A Common Future in a Just World

For more than 60 years, KAAD has been offering scholarships, educational and networking support to students and young professionals from the Global South so that they can take on leadership roles in the social and cultural development of their countries.

The central task of KAAD according to its statutes (last version of May 2012) is:

„… to promote through its scholarship organisation young people from Africa, Asia, Latin America and Eastern Europe by offering stipends for academic studies, in particular postgraduate studies and research stays, so that they can take on leadership roles in the social and cultural development of their countries based on social responsibility and commitment to Church matters" (§ 2).

The scholarship programmes of the KAAD are an expression of the orientation towards a dialogue with the Global Church and a development policy of the German Catholic Church:

By supporting lay people who are committed to the Church or non-Christian students as well as academics, KAAD aims to contribute to the partnership between the German Church and the churches of the Global South and Eastern Europe as well as to the dialogue between the world religions in general. At the same time, the scholarship holders are to assist in the development process of their countries as future multipliers in the academic and scientific field and beyond. They shall understand development as an integral process encompassing all dimensions of human life.

Scholarship Programme 1

KAAD's scholarship work can be subsumed under three programmes: Scholarship Programme 1 comprises
>> the Invitation Programme in cooperation with the focus countries and is aimed at postgraduates and persons with proven professional experience who are usually invited to Germany for postgraduate studies or research stays
>> In-country Programme for Master's studies in the home country: at fifteen locations in eight countries (Ethiopia, Ghana, Guatemala, Jordan, Kenya, Lebanon, Peru, Zimbabwe)
>> Third-country Programme for Master's studies in a selected third country (e.g. Bangkok/Thailand for students from Myanmar). Third-country scholarships for students from other continents are possible at selected third-country locations. This applies in particular to refugees from Syria studying in Lebanon and Jordan.

Scholarship Programme 1 for Germany

In-country and Third-country Scholarships

Scholarship Programme 2

Scholarship Programme 2 supports students from countries of the Global South who are already studying for their PhD or Master's degree in Germany. The Catholic University Chaplaincies have the right to propose suitable applicants.

Scholarship Programme 2

Eastern Europe Programme

The Eastern Europe Programme supports - in cooperation with the partner committees - PhD and Master's programmes, as well as shorter study and research stays in Germany.

Eastern Europe Programme

Furthermore, KAAD is the clearing organisation of the German Bishops' Conference for international students in general.

KAAD is organised as an association whose General Assembly is made up of representatives of ten (global) church organisations and the dioceses. The scholarship organisation is headed by a President.

KAAD comprises the Academic Council (Selection Board) and the Head Office with five regional departments headed by the General Secretary.

The “project” of KAAD dates back to the Catholic Convention in Fulda in 1954. The "name" KAAD was created in 1955, and in 1958 it took institutional shape with the founding of the association. Thus, at a very early stage in the work of the global church after the war, KAAD as an independent scholarship organisation for lay people (from developing countries and Eastern Europe) was an institution that is unique in this scope and this strategic orientation in the Catholic world.

The effectiveness of this support is ultimately proven by the reintegration, the multiplier activity and the networking of our scholarship holders.

Focus Areas of Academic Networking

The topics that have moved KAAD in recent years and will continue to do so - be it in the supported projects of our scholarship holders or in the topics of our seminars and events at home and abroad - revolve around