Intercultural Workshop 2023

|   Aktuelles, Veranstaltungen

At the beginning of June, the annual Intercultural Workshop took place at the Kreuzberg Language Institute for the new KAAD scholarship holders who are attending the language course in Bonn.

Thus, 16 language students from 14 countries exchanged ideas about the concept of culture and their own cultural imprint under the guidance of Santra Sontowski and Miriam Rossmerkel from the KAAD office. The goal of this workshop is on the one hand for the students to become aware of their own cultural imprint and learn to reflect the resulting personal perspective. On the other hand, the participants are given practical tips and information regarding everyday life in Germany. This should help them to better deal with possible "stumbling blocks" upon their arrival in the academic and social life at their place of study.

The morning started with a theoretical approach to the topic and practical exercises to deepen the knowledge. There was much discussion about the interpretation of the concept of culture, the individual, culturally conditioned self-perception and perception of others, along with the theory of "culture shock" and the emergence of stereotypes and prejudices. Here, both the definitions and conceptual interpretations of various cultural scientists and philosophers presented by the workshop leaders helped as a basis for discussion, as well as the personal experience reports of the participants, which illuminated the topic in greater depth. After lunch, there was an introduction to helpful "survival tips" for a good start in everyday life and society in Germany. Everyday things such as public transportation, helpful apps and inexpensive shopping were covered, in addition to more specific things such as necessary stages of dealing with authorities, the German health and insurance system and the often difficult search for housing.

Interspersed practical exercises to get to know each other, to strengthen the sense of community and for the development of the topic, "refreshers" as well as personal reflection while writing a letter to the students' "future self" and prayers rounded off the program and left the participants refreshed and in a positive mood despite a tight day’s schedule.