Become Part of our Global Network
Benefit from scholarships, educational events, and personal and spiritual guidance - take on leadership roles in the social and cultural development of your country.
By supporting church and socially committed students and academics from the countries of the Global South, KAAD aims to gain partners for long-term cooperation in a worldwide network. The aim of this international, intercultural and interreligious cooperation is to work together towards a future characterised by sustainability in a just, tolerant and peaceful world.
In this sense, the financial support of the study projects in Germany is the beginning of a long-term partnership at eye level with our alumnae and alumni all over the world, who, after their studies in Germany, strive in their home countries as multipliers and bridge builders between cultures, religions and nations, as well as between university and church, for the social and cultural development of their home societies and thus become valuable change agents there.
The personal and spiritual support ("non-material support") during the study period in Germany in the form of individual supervision, an educational programme accompanying the studies as well as numerous offers for intercultural and interreligious encounters make KAAD a learning community in which scepticism towards foreign cultures and religions is reduced and valuable subject-specific contacts are made, which form the basis for later cooperation in the worldwide alumni network.