KMKI - that stands for Keluarga Mahasiswa Katolik Indonesia (Indonesian Catholic Student Family). The organisation of and for Indonesian students in Germany sees itself as a community characterised by a family-like, Catholic spirit. Membership in KMKI is open to all who want to be actively involved and is not limited to Catholic students. All decisions at KMKI are based on consultation and consensus between members and committees.
KMKI has a clear structure: there is an overarching board and regional communities, which are divided as follows:

* Pusat = central
The KMKI was founded at the turn of the year 1961/62 on the joint initiative of Indonesian students from Austria, Belgium, Germany, Italy, and the Netherlands. 50 of them gathered at Schloss Ising on Lake Chiemsee from 26 December 1961 to 1 January 1962. There the idea was born to strengthen the fellowship between Indonesian Catholic students in Europe through a 'family organisation'. The founding date of the KMKI is 1 January 1962.
The KMKI follows the principle "In necessariis unitas, in dubiis libertas, in omnibus caritas" - a common statement that means: "In the necessary, let there be unanimity; in the doubtful, let there be freedom; but in everything, let there be charity". KMKI's goals are divided into internal and external goals. Internally, KMKI aims to promote professional, critical, open-minded, sensitive, and responsible people. This is supported by various KMKI activities that promote the learning process and quality development of KMKI members by paying attention to a balance between emotional and intellectual aspects.
Externally, KMKI aims to have an impact on society through its members. Thus, members shall be sensitive to social problems in society, actively participate in upholding moral, ethical, and human values, and participate in creating a harmonious and balanced life among religious communities. KMKI members are expected to actively participate in problem-solving in society, especially in Indonesia.